
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would that be, and why?

The other day on Facebook I asked people to ask me questions so I could start a “get to know me” series over here as I settle into this cozy new home for my blog.

Today’s question I’m answering is: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would that be, and why?

I would love-love-love! to move back home to Eastern North Carolina, where I was born and raised.

my hometown

All of my family is there, but that is the only thing that makes my heart ache for this place. It is just so beautiful, so peaceful, so good there. I love the mountains. This place will always be truly home to me. Everything moves at a slower pace and people don’t walk around with their faces in their phones there – in fact, if you want to know what someone is up to you usually just stop by their house & sit on their porch and talk for a while instead of checking Facebook. The entire town comes out for every fair, festival and celebration. There’s a deep sense of community in my hometown, that sorta everybody knows everybody type of small town that they make all the movies about. It’s a pretty darn alright place, if I do say so myself.

So, you’re turn! If you could live anywhere in the world, where would that be & why?

5 thoughts on “If you could live anywhere in the world, where would that be, and why?”

  1. There are tons of places I want to visit. But as for choosing a place to live… The “place” doesn’t really hold much weight for me. I’m most at home with myself in forests and waterfront (ocean, lake, etc…). But it doesn’t mater which one to me as long as I’m with my family and I’m not living a city life. We’ve always lived in Virginia, I love it here. But if my family decides to move somewhere else, I know I’ll love it there too.


  2. ❤ I would love to live in North Carolina! I used to live in the mountains of TN and I loved it there but I lived near a big city. I visited NC lots of times and just loved everything about it! My husband wants to move to California but I truly don't think I would do well there. I long for a community where I can feel safe and at home because it's been while.


  3. Your hometown sounds amazing. I would love to live somewhere like that!
    If I could live anywhere, I would choose Utah. Somewhere near Bryce Canyon. When I lived out there for a brief period, it just felt right to be there.


  4. If I could live anywhere, it would be back to my roots of Shirland, IL area. I miss my family and the area I know like the back of my hand. I miss the farm sounds and smells. Where your neighbor, was your neighbor. Where everyone in town knew everyone in town and the ‘grapevine’ was your most trust worthy news. I am very happy where I currently I am in KC, Ks but that is due to very dear friends and a very supportive church family. But my heart longs to be closer to family. 🙂


  5. Your hometown sounds like a most wonderful place Cody!! All that green and sloping hills is just gorgeous, and of course the community feel sounds wonderful and is just what I’m hoping to find amidst the sprawled out Southwest (although it’s quite promising for that in Austin fortunately, just taking a little time to find the right things!). So for right now, I’ll answer that Im’ happy to call Austin home, but it’d be better if I could move my immediate family/closest friends out here too of course : ).


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