
Meet the Maker: Laura of White Willow Wearables – Fashionable Geeky Goodness!

I am so excited to introduce my amazing readers to creative fiber artist Laura Clark! She creates knitwear for fandom lovers – a way for you to stay stylish while flying your geek flag high! So let’s dig in and get to know the maker and mother behind White Willow Wearables!

The Baby Buddy Nursing Pillow

Photo Credit: Michelle Wells Photography


Tell us a bit about yourself!

I live in Calgary (Alberta Canada), I have one daughter who turned 7 months September 1st. My hobbies include knitting, reading and going for walks with my husband. This is kind of my side gig, I’m a graphic designer by trade and have a small business for that as well since I don’t plan on going back to work outside the home once my mat leave is up in December. I would love to be in a place where I’ve got enough patterns designed that it’s a passive income I don’t have to worry/think about as well as doing the occasional custom/made to order piece. I enjoy working but not going to work if that makes sense haha. I like having control over my time.

hufflepuff scarf
Photo Credit: Logee Photo
A lot of your creations are fandom inspired, and I love that! Do you find that it helps set you apart from other knitwear designers, or that your audience is significantly different from other knitwear designers?

Haha, fun fact about being fandom inspired in my work: I thought it was a great niche to get into but it turns out that for markets it’s actually too niche. I haven’t had much luck at markets the past couple years which is partly why I expanded to more “generic” looking pieces that are named for things. So while yes it does set me apart I don’t think my audience differs too much from other knitwear designers. People have varied interests and we’re in a time when I’m on the older end (32) of the Harry Potter Fandom and we’re having kids that we want to pass on our love of things pop culture on to.

Since you take a lot of inspiration from fandoms, I assume you have a love for geekery! What are your favorite TV shows/games/genres?

I do have a love of geekery, and it’s expansive. Favorite TV shows (some that I have watched multiple times) would be Buffy/Angel, Brooklyn 99, The Office (I have plans to re-create one of Pam’s cardigans), Gilmore Girls, Supernatural, Doctor Who and Firefly (and therefore Serenity). Games…I enjoy Sushi Go, Ticket to Ride, Settlers of Catan and the occasional game of Risk. Genres would be fantasy/sci fi mostly, but comedy, and pretty much anything that’s not horror.


As a mother and a maker, how do you balance running a creative business without getting burned out or overwhelmed? 

Well I think not being too busy in my business helps. Like not doing markets this year and any deadlines I have are my own so I’m not having to get stuff out for other people. As much as it would be great to have yarn support, I watch one of my close friends deal with the deadlines she has and for me with a baby that would be more pressure then I would want. Also, my daughter is a very easy baby. She has been sleeping well since the get go and wasn’t ever prone to colic or anything like that. So I’m well rested and can get stuff done while she naps. My husband is a great support system for me as well.

What is your best organizational tips for keeping your yarn intact with a small child around? 
Ah yes, yarn and the small child. We’ve got some of those 2×4 cubby cabinet things from Ikea and my yarn is separated between stock (stuff I sell on my Etsy site) and non-stock (personal projects/stuff for patterns I want to design). When she wasn’t standing it was perfect but she’s starting to pull herself up now so yesterday I bought a couple of the boxes that fit into the cubbies for the lower shelves so she can’t pull individual strands or balls out. Once my stash goes down a bit it will be easier as I won’t have to fill as many of them with yarn.

What is your favorite self care habits to keep your identity as a woman now that you are also a mother?

 I shower regularly, cause when my hair gets greasy I feel like crap so I make sure to shower when she’s napping. That way I can also guarantee some time to myself. I wear makeup almost daily too, and since it’s  because I want to and it’s not that I feel like I have to, I feel more like myself. Also I go to a knit night once a week. I used to bring her so the ladies would get some baby time, but now that she’s mobile it would be more difficult plus my husband likes his daddy daughter time and I get my own time with adults without having to worry about her.


What does a work day look like for you, with a small babe? 

I start my day with yoga, I’m doing the 30 days of yoga with Adrienne right now, then it’s breakfast for my daughter and coffee for me. Then while she takes a small nap I have my breakfast and go through emails/notifications. I do my household stuff the rest of the morning while she just hangs out/plays/tries to get into everything. After lunch it is another (longer) nap for her and I do some design work/work on my Pinterest board for my knitting or work on the pattern I’m designing at the moment. Once she wakes up from her nap I feed her a snack and we go for a walk around the neighborhood (which will be coming to and end soon since winter is coming and people don’t shovel their sidewalks) to get some exercise and fresh air. She plays for a bit after we’re back then it’s either snack time or dinner for her and while she’s playing I’m usually knitting while watching her. She might have another nap, nap quantity is very much a day to day thing, but my husband will come home from work and make our dinner (I’m lucky I know) and we’ll eat then not too long after it’s bedtime for her. I’ll knit the rest of the evening usually while we watch TV or a movie together.

Go visit Laura on Facebook and Instagram & be sure to check out her shop!


Meet the Maker – Kelly of Freak + Pocky

Hey guys! I am excited to share this interview showcase of Kelly, one half of the new online shop of handmade fandom fun & geeky cuteness, Freak + Pocky, with you! On my vacation, I was able to stop in Lexington, KY and spend the night with Kelly & Josh. They are SO cool and I am so eager to introduce you guys to such a fun maker, creative spirit and geek girl soul sister. I think you guys will love her just as much as I do! Without further ado, let’s get to know Kelly!
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Kelly, Me & Zoey!
Hi Kelly! Tell us a bit about yourself:
I’m Kelly – or better known to my gaming friends as Pocky, the pocket-sized healer.
I’m a 30-something crafty nerd living in Kentucky with the geek of my life, who I married 6 years ago, and our 14 year old rescue mutt Skylar. I have some nerdy degrees (B.S. in Electrical Engineering & M.B.A.) and work at a zombie job, but would rather spend my days making things + playing games.
When I’m not slaying the zombie job or being the poppet master, I can usually be found gaming with my friends or curled up with Freak and the pup catching up on anime or binge watching tv shows we are seasons behind on.
When/how did you learn to crochet?
I learned to knit + crochet when I was 11 years old.
My mom was learning to knit and crochet in some group that was meeting at our church. When she came home to work on her project I was mesmerized at how you could tangle up yarn to make a sweater. So I did what I always did…bugged her to teach me because I wanted to learn to do whatever craft my mom was doing.
That was over 20 years ago and I’ve seldom put down the yarn since.
What got you started as a geek? What was your first video game or geeky obsession?
I like to say that I was raised to be a geek. The first movie my parents took me to see – I was just a wee nerdling at the time – was The Empire Strikes Back. I don’t remember it, of course, but I’ve always loved the original Star Wars Triology.
But what really got me started was gaming. I started out on Atari, but Nintendo is where my true gaming love really started. In our house, as an only child, I had to fight my parents for a turn to play. And my dad would organize Nintendo tournaments for my friends and I, which I kinda threw when I picked a game I knew this one boy was better at than me. And yes, I’m still a Nintendo fangirl.
How did you first intertwine crafting & fandoms? How did you first bring your love of fandoms & craft together?
The first project I designed that brought my love of yarn and fandoms together was a surprise birthday gift I was making for my husband, when we just started dating. I designed a stocking hat after Link from Zelda, and a matching Triforce scarf.
It wasn’t until I first came across amigurumi, specifically Creepy Cute Crochet by Christen Haden, that I started finding new ways to make nerdy things. And now I just can’t stop!
What is your favorite fandom?
Ummmm…I honestly can’t decide. I love Doctor Who. Sherlock. Supernatural. Firefly. Star Wars. Sword Art Online. Invader Zim…I could seriously go on all day.
What are you thoughts on a female Doctor?
I think it’s great and can’t wait to see where they take the story with her!
Secretly I would love to see Simon Pegg be the Doctor, but I know that really wouldn’t make sense since he’s been a villain.
Zombies, werewolves or vampires?
Zombies, no question! I’m a huge Walking Dead fan!
In your honest opinion, should they reboot Firefly?
The answer is always YES! The world needs more Captain Mal!
What Poppets are next on your to-make list that fans can look forward to?
Well, my list is longer than I am tall, but a few that I’ve been brainstorming recently are: some Star Wars characters, Leela from Futurama and Shaun from Shaun of the Dead.
How do fans submit suggestions for Poppets or place custom orders?
Right now the best way to reach out is by emailing
Since each poppet is handcrafted, we do have a limited number of custom orders we can take at a time. If we’ve reached our limit at that time, you can be added to a wait list and contacted once we’ve caught back up.
Can people order poppets of their favorite actors to gift at Cons?
Absolutely! Right now these are done as custom orders, so just send an email to with the request and we can hash out the details.
Thanks for taking the time for the interview, Kelly! Happy launch day – and happy birthday! ♥
Head over to visit Kelly’s shop, follow their adventures on Instagram and be sure to give them a “like” on Facebook, too!
Creative Daily

February #creativedaily Prompt List

Yay! I don’t know about you, but this daily photo challenge has really helped me dust off my IG account & step up my photography game while also helping me out of the rut I’d been stuck in since my divorce. So I’m stoked to be launching another month of prompts – can you believe we had almost a thousand new photos uploaded to Instagram with the #creativedaily hashtag last month?! Whoa. That’s insane! With over 10,000 images already in the collection, it’s fast becoming a trending craft tag on Instagram! That is so cool!


Ahem, all that wild excitement aside, I hope you guys will join me for another month of this fun photo challenge! And if you want to jump in now, here are the last three days prompts:

29: Needed This Today

30: Positive Vibes

31: Looking Up

New here? #creativedaily serves as both a creative outlet & a way for makers to network on Instagram. The dated prompts help makers & creatives come up with fresh content for their IG accounts besides the basic product pictures & mug shots, all while building a community of artists, designers and makers. It’s incredible to look through the #creativedaily feed on Instagram & see how differently we all interpret a single word!

To participate, all you have to do is a snap a picture that relates to the dated prompt, upload it to Instagram with a description & add the #creativedaily hashtag! Be sure to click the tag and check out what other maker babes and dudes are posting daily, too!

Here is the February prompt list. It’s sized for Instagram so feel free to download it and share there to help spread the word about the challenge – because hey, the more people involved means the more people seeing your awesome pictures, so why not?! – plus if you want you can also repost the graphic on your blog or Facebook pages, too. Wherever you wanna spread the word is cool with me, let’s just get people excited about making things, taking pictures and being creative daily!


Want to help me plan for March? Leave your suggestion’s for March prompts in the comments of this post! 😀


Maker Made Monday – Happy Guppy

After a brief break to celebrate the holidays and travel from NC to OH, then back to NC, then to GA, then back to OH, then HOME to NC finally, I am finally back to the daily grind and back to my weekly Maker Made Monday posts!

These week I’m showing off the colorful work of Happy Guppy by Danielle Begnaud. I have been friends with Danielle for over a year and adore her colorful, fun work! Having her come crash at my house in Missouri before Strawberry Swing Indie Craft Fair last year was awesome! Danielle is genuinely a sweet, funny & kind maker with a huge heart and vibrant soul.

My favorite things Danielle makes is these amigurumi cacti snuggled into their colorful terracota pots. These hold a special place in my heart because my ma has grow & bred cacti & succulents for as long as I can remember and her home is full of pokey, prickly goodness every where you turn.

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I’m also fawning over her amazing afghans – squeeeee! They are so colorful and cozy looking. I want for every room in my house, please!


And I know Christmas/Yule literally just happened but can was just all just pretend like it’s perfectly normal to already be planning next year’s decorations?! Because I am totally going to be custom ordering one of these tree skirts for our fantastic purple & pink tree next year!!


If you wanna stay in touch with Danielle & be awed by her colorful awesomeness daily, head over to Instagram and click “follow”. You will love her feed!

What makers are you currently crushing on? Leave their shop link in the comments – I am always on the hunt for awesome new makers to follow & shop from!